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code for arduino

using the makerbot magnetic rotary encoder v2.1 here is the code

#define ENCODER_A_PIN 2#define ENCODER_B_PIN 3long position;void setup(){   Serial.begin(19200);   Serial.println("Started");    pinMode(ENCODER_A_PIN, INPUT);   pinMode(ENCODER_B_PIN, INPUT);    attachInterrupt(0, read_quadrature, CHANGE);} void loop(){   Serial.print("Position: ");   Serial.println(position, DEC);   delay(1000);} void read_quadrature(){    // found a low-to-high on channel A  if (digitalRead(ENCODER_A_PIN) == HIGH)  {       // check channel B to see which way    if (digitalRead(ENCODER_B_PIN) == LOW)        position++;    else        position--;  }  // found a high-to-low on channel A  else                                          {    // check channel B to see which way    if (digitalRead(ENCODER_B_PIN) == LOW)        position--;    else        position++;  }}