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This installation was developed for a one evening event which took place on the 11th floor of an abandoned office building. 26 artists where asked to create a small piece of max 3 min. All these pieces were to be shown or performed in consecutive order. The event was organized by [http://www.2m3.be/archives/2m3--w-o-l-k-e/ 2m3] and took place in the beginning of 2014 in Brussels.<br>''So it goes...'' was my contribution to this event. In the main corridor of the space, the original suspended ceiling was modified. Like in many office buildings the ceiling consisted of small strips of metal attached to a suspended framework. Some of the individual strips were removed from the framework and equipped with electromagnets to hold them in place on the ceiling. From a computer the electromagnet on each individual strip could be controlled. Switching off the power would cause a strip to come down.  
This installation was developed for a one evening event which took place on the 11th floor of an abandoned office building. 26 artists where asked to create a small piece of max 3 min. All these pieces were to be shown or performed in consecutive order. The event was organized by [http://www.2m3.be/archives/2m3--w-o-l-k-e/ 2m3] and took place in the beginning of 2014 in Brussels.<br>''So it goes...'' was my contribution to this event. In the main corridor of the space, the original suspended ceiling was modified. Like in many office buildings the ceiling consisted of small strips of metal attached to a suspended framework. Some of the individual strips were removed from the framework and equipped with electromagnets to hold them in place on the ceiling. From a computer the electromagnet on each individual strip could be controlled. Switching off the power would cause a strip to come down.  
Performed @ [http://www.w-o-l-k-e.be/ W.O.L.K.E.], Brussels for [http://www.2m3.be/archives/2m3--w-o-l-k-e/ 2m3], 2014
The installation was activated at an in between moment at which people were moving from one performance to the other.  - Although there was some staging to make sure people would not be harmed. - It began with a couple of individual strips falling at intermittent timing. This to grab peoples attention. Once the corridor was filled with people seeing what was happening, the remaining strips all came down. At which moment the corridor lights went out. Immediately followed by a chiming sound and coloured light coming from the ceiling.
The installation was activated at an in between moment at which people were moving from one performance to the other.  - Although there was some staging to make sure people would not be harmed. - It began with a couple of individual strips falling at intermittent timing. This to grab peoples attention. Once the corridor was filled with people seeing what was happening, the remaining strips all came down. At which moment the corridor lights went out. Immediately followed by a chiming sound and coloured light coming from the ceiling.

Revision as of 14:35, 3 May 2017

Soitgoes 00.jpg

"Well, here we are Mr Pilgrim, trapped in the amber of this moment. There is no why."

Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse Five

About the work

This installation was developed for a one evening event which took place on the 11th floor of an abandoned office building. 26 artists where asked to create a small piece of max 3 min. All these pieces were to be shown or performed in consecutive order. The event was organized by 2m3 and took place in the beginning of 2014 in Brussels.
So it goes... was my contribution to this event. In the main corridor of the space, the original suspended ceiling was modified. Like in many office buildings the ceiling consisted of small strips of metal attached to a suspended framework. Some of the individual strips were removed from the framework and equipped with electromagnets to hold them in place on the ceiling. From a computer the electromagnet on each individual strip could be controlled. Switching off the power would cause a strip to come down.

The installation was activated at an in between moment at which people were moving from one performance to the other. - Although there was some staging to make sure people would not be harmed. - It began with a couple of individual strips falling at intermittent timing. This to grab peoples attention. Once the corridor was filled with people seeing what was happening, the remaining strips all came down. At which moment the corridor lights went out. Immediately followed by a chiming sound and coloured light coming from the ceiling.

As this installation is all about living the moment or experiencing the present time, the accompanying quote comes from Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5, in which a tralfamadorian explains Billy Pilgrim how to deal with experiencing reality in four dimensions, being able to perceive past, present and future at at any point in time.

"All time is all time. It does not change. It does not lend itself to warnings or explanations. It simply is. Take it by the moment, and you will find that we are all, as I've said before, bugs in amber."

This attitude towards time, which turns the main character real placid about anything what the current moment brings and it's implications on what lies ahead in the future, seems quiet opposite to how we live our time. We live in a continuous now enabled by email, twitter, facebook, the so-called real time technological shift. Everything is always on. We try to catch up to anything which is happening now and struggle through the onslaught of information which is coming at us. But are we catching up? Maybe this now is elusive, something we can never quite reach. Maybe we are just completely scheduled in and not really able to get a handle on the present. "Douglas Rushkoff : Present shock"

This installation is intended as an act gratuite, as proposed by Pierre Huyghe to resist the condition of time as product, experience the moment and get a handle on the present.

Video documentation

The following is a registration made on the evening of the event.

The following is a registration made a couple of days later without an audience.

Related works

Time is a technology


Deze in situ installatie werd gerealiseerd in januari 2014 ter gelegenheid van de 2de verjaardag van het initiatief 2m3. 26 kunstenaars werden gevraagd om een interventie of performance uit te werken van maximum 3 minuten. Deze werden opeenvolgend getoond. Dit event vond plaats op de 11de verdieping van een verlaten kantoorgebouw te Brussel.

So it goes… vond plaats in een gang die de verschillende ruimtes verbond. Bepaalde lamellen van het bestaande systeemplafond, typisch voor dit soort kantoorgebouwen, werden uitgerust met electromagneten, zodat ze gecontroleerd kon vallen. Op een onbestemd moment, tussen twee performances in, werd de installatie geactiveerd. ( Er was enige regie om ervoor te zorgen dat het veilig was vooriedereen ) Het scenario was heel eenvoudig en de ganse actie duurde niet langer dan twee minuten. Eerst vielen enkele lamellen met kortetussenpozen om de aandacht van het publiek te trekken. Daarna kwam een grootdeel van het plafond naar beneden. Min of meer op het einde van deze actie ging het ganglicht uit. Vervolgens volgde een luide chime. Veranderend gekleurd licht viel door de ontstane opening binnen en verlichtte de ravage in de gang.

Een registratie van dit event is te bekijken via volgende link: https://vimeo.com/85600141
Een tweede opname, gemaakt in een lege ruimte, is te bekijken via volgende link : https://vimeo.com/104457698


De titel van het werk en de begeleidende quote zijn van een Tralfamadorian, een buitenaards wezen dat zich richt tot Billy Pilgrim, het hoofdpersonage in Slaughterhouse 5 van Kurt Vonnegut. Billy Pilgrim is losgeraakt van de tijd. De gebeurtenissen die zijn leven uitmaken, beleeft hij op een niet lineaire manier. Hij beleeft verleden, heden en toekomst door elkaar, net zoals een Tralfamadorian. Hierdoor heeft hij geen vat op de werkelijkheid, hij kan alleen ondergaan wat hem overkomt. Dit maakt hem machteloos over al wat het huidige ogenblik brengt en de implicaties ervan voor de toekomst. Maar de Tralfamadorian stelt hem gerust :

"All time is all time. It does not change. It does not lend itself to warnings or explanations. It simply is. Take it by the moment, and you will find that we are all, as I've said before, bugs in amber."

Een sterk contrast met het beeld dat Douglas Rushkoff schets in zijn boek Present Shock. Door de zogenaamde technologische realtime shift leven we in een continue geactiveerd “nu”. Alles staat altijd aan. In een krampachtig poging dit nu te vatten, trachten we 'in het moment' te leven door te reageren op een constante stroom van inputs, impulsen en updates. We laten ons echter leiden door signalen die van de periferie komen, waardoor we geen oog hebben voor de zaken die echt voor of na ons liggen en er toe doen. De mogelijkheid om te plannen, om naar iets toe te werken, of een doel te hebben, wordt ondermijnd door de noodzaak te reageren op externe factoren die ons ten alle tijden verstoren. We staan niet sterk verankerd in het heden. We verkeren in een staat van 'Present Shock'.

In zijn installatie “Day out of time” stelt Pierre Huyghe een “acte gratuit” voor. Een handeling om tijd als product te weerstaan, om het moment te ervaren en grip te krijgen op het heden.



So it goes... past in een reeks waarin tijdsbeleving en de ervaring in de ruimte een grote rol spelen. Waarbij de betrachting is, de tijd voelbaar te maken, een moment in de tijd te grijpen of te intensifiëren. Eerdere werken binnen dit kader gerealiseerd, zijn : Time is a technology en 2m3.